
We Reached 3 Million Permanent Study Items!

January 29, 2014

We've reached 3 million permanent study items!

Together our users have learned 3 million study items permanently!

This is an extraordinary result, and today we would like to take a minute and congratulate everyone who took part in bringing this significant milestone closer with hard work and dedication.

Permanent learning is one of the key things that differentiate WordDive from other language learning solutions. It means that we make sure you know and still remember what you have learned in the years to come. It also means that when communicating in a foreign language, you are able to concentrate on what you want to say instead of struggling to remember the words and phrases to say it.

Sounds good, but how do we achieve that in practice?

After years of research, we based our method and service on a deep understanding of cognitive mechanisms involved in vocabulary learning. Our approach employs a number of highly efficient techniques. These include activating your memory simultaneously through multiple senses and optimizing the pace of progress and repetition for each user.

As a result, our users are able to start to actually use the new language quickly and without overwhelming efforts.

The achieved 3 million milestone is the best possible proof of our method’s efficiency. Thank you. You have all done a fantastic job!

WordDive team

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