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Why are part of speech icons useful?

July 15, 2016

Did you know that words are divided into classes called parts of speech according to their grammatical properties? Words belonging to different parts of speech have distinct roles in a sentence: verbs express action, while nouns denote things and adjectives their qualities. Recognizing parts of speech is very useful when learning a foreign language. The part of speech to which a word belongs guides its use in a sentence and defines the correct word order and punctuation. Knowing the role…

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Want a new challenge? Learn Spanish grammar!

September 14, 2015

Spanish grammar is not the simplest in the world: for example, the verbs are potentially marked for tense, aspect, mood, person, and number, resulting in about fifty conjugated forms per verb. Nevertheless, Spanish is the world’s fourth most spoken language: it is spoken by about 400 million people as their mother tongue. This makes it a useful language especially in the fields of tourism, culture and foreign trade. In the WordDive method, the study items are presented in example sentences, which also include grammatical constructions suitable for the skill…

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