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We have reached 20 million permanent study items!

June 27, 2016

Time to celebrate! Together with all of our language learners, we have reached a new milestone: the total number of study items learned permanently by all WordDive users has exceeded 20 million. We want to thank you all for keeping up your good work and reaching this achievement with us. It is your continuous effort that we celebrate today!

20 million permanentsThe WordDive method: Permanent learning as a core principle

With WordDive, you repeat your study items exactly the amount of times that is necessary for you personally.

After the first exercise days, the program recognises your learning speed and adjusts to your personal needs. The program will tell you when you have done enough for the day and you can follow your progress constantly. This is what makes your studies so efficient. The WordDive method will keep you motivated and make sure you’ll remember the things you learned.

While exercising, you will see, think, read, write, listen and pronounce when going through the study items. The use of multiple senses activates the brain much more deeply than just reading. With the help of the example sentences you will also absorb grammar, sentence structure and typical phrases almost effortlessly.

The relaxed and rewarding study method makes your brain happy and more willing to store everything you learn in the long-term memory. Due to permanent learning, you will not have to struggle for words in a conversation. Exercising the same study item on several days makes you learn it permanently. You get better results with short but regular exercises and multiple repetitions instead of trying to learn loads of new things during a very short period of time.

Permanent learning makes your knowledge of language become automatic and you can relax and enjoy your conversation.



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