Browsing Tag

language learning


The most popular names around the world

January 15, 2018

Young adults dreaming about starting their own families like to speculate about names for their future babies. Name trends change every year and are strongly influenced by pop culture, globalization and international marriages. Names are copied from famous singers, actors, top athletes and fantasy characters. Modern parents also want their children’s names to be international and pronounceable in many different languages. On the other hand, many traditional – even old-fashioned – baby names are on the rise again. In addition…

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Learning languages when you think you don’t have time – this is how it’s done!

November 28, 2017

We know you’re busy. Whether it’s work, childcare, hobbies or all three, something always seems to be more important than studying languages. There are dirty dishes and laundry, the car needs to be washed, you have a dentist appointment… or a pile of books on the nightstand, waiting to be read. How could you ever find the time to learn a language? We put together a few tips for finding time to learn languages even when your schedule is packed…

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5 reasons why language learning is more fun as an adult

October 11, 2017

1. It’s different when you’re learning something because you want to. Did you have to study a foreign language at school even though you weren’t interested? Don’t let that ruin the fun you can have as an adult speaking a foreign language fluently. Studying a language as an adult is completely different: you’re doing it because you want to, when it fits your own schedule, at your own pace. 2. You have a real reason to learn a new language.…

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The secret of efficient learning

October 6, 2017

Did you know that the key to fast and efficient learning is a good night’s sleep? Sleep studies have shown that the best way to remember the things you learned during the day is to sleep well after exercising. This is because the events of the day really do feature in your dreams. While you’re sleeping, your brain is working on the things that happened during the day, such as having practiced something. This activates and strengthens the new neural…

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Introducing the WordDive team: meet Atte, Clotilde and Juliane

September 28, 2017

Have you ever wondered what kind of people are working at WordDive, or what it would be like to work here? You may have already heard the story of our founder and CEO, Timo-Pekka Leinonen. In addition to Timo-Pekka, our core team consists of professionals in linguistics, pedagogy and mobile-oriented product development. We have around 15 people here at the office, and in addition to that we have a part-time network of 20 native voice models, translators and proofreaders spread…

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Interview with a teacher: ”Using WordDive is motivating for the students”

August 1, 2017

Sanni Hakkarainen, teacher of English and French from the Classical High School of Tampere, participated in a WordDive pilot project where she could use WordDive to support her teaching this spring. She used WordDive as a part of the teaching materials for the second, third and seventh English courses as well as for remedial classes. – Using WordDive didn’t affect the grade, so utilization of the app varied a lot. Some of the students got really excited while others used…

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