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“Learning the language helped me stand on my own feet in Finland”

January 7, 2015

Francisco Pelluz, 29, first ended up coming to Finland in 2010 as an exchange student because it was “really far” from his home, Seville in southern Spain. Finland’s reputation as an IT country and the fact that Finns speak good English were the other motivators. First he decided to concentrate on improving his English. “It wasn’t difficult to understand people but it was difficult to express my ideas. I understood everything but had a feeling that I’d like to say…

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7 tips for successful language learning

December 30, 2014

Starting the new year by learning a new language or improving your old skills? We put together seven tips for achieving results and maintaining your interest to make your enthusiasm last. 1: Set your goal Decide what you want to achieve by the end of 2015: Learn enough to survive on a holiday abroad? The ability to have a chat with your foreign friend? With approximately 600 words you can have a basic conversation. Set a clear goal that matters…

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Five Simple Tips to Stay Motivated While Learning Languages

January 1, 2014

What a great time we’ve all had during these past few weeks! So much fun, so many hopes and plans for the next year. Now, that we’ve turned the symbolic new page of 2014, the excitement has subsided a little, and soon we will be back to our everyday lives. Lives which are packed full with routines, minor worries and things to do every day. The big question is: Will you do something about your hopes and plans this year,…

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