
”Lär dig engelska”, avsnitt 5: så får du mer vardagsenergi

maj 17, 2019

Det här är det femte och sista avsnittet i vår poddserie Lär dig engelska. Du kan lyssna på tidigare avsnitt här:

Avsnitt 1: Mitt recept på lycka

Avsnitt 2: Håll kärleken vid liv

Avsnitt 3: Tabun och myter om moderskapet

Avsnitt 4: Mina amerikanska favoriter

Det här avsnittet utforskar de olika sätten man kan bättra på sin mentala och fysiska vardagsenergi.

Remedies to get more energy

Hello, welcome to the show! Today we are going to look into different remedies to get more energy out of life!

Life can be pretty hectic, right? Well, there are a few things that you can do every day to harness your physical and mental energy.

First off, let’s take a look at your diet.

A healthy and balanced diet is one of the most important aspects of your everyday life, so you need to take care of it!

I was a vegetarian for 10 years until I got to the point that veggies alone were just not going to cut it anymore. I was tired, emotional, and needed to eat every couple of hours just to make it through the day. Obviously, this is not an ideal situation, so, I tried changing my diet. I made sure I got a rich, balanced and nutritious meal plan, embracing a more diverse variety of foods – from grass-fed meats, down to fruit, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. I started putting in more focus and effort into my diet and I’ve never felt healthier and more energized. I used to wake up in the morning feeling slow and sluggish, and now I wake up feeling well rested and ready for the day ahead.

This is not to talk down on vegetarian diets: they might work for some people, but they obviously didn’t work for me! It’s important to find what really works for you, and stick with it. A good diet is the foundation of a healthy life, so make sure that you start putting in an effort to get the nutrients and vitamins that you need! 

The next step is exercise. Studies have proven that there is a link to cardiovascular exercise and a decrease in anxiety, depression, and stress. These are all mental states that can severely deplete your energy resources.

If you don’t have time to hit the gym every day, make time for some other exercise. I had a pretty busy schedule and really couldn’t commit to any exercise program. However, I wanted to make a positive difference in my life. So I started following YouTube exercise videos. I did 30 minutes of yoga every single day, just on a mat in my living room. If I didn’t have time to do 30 minutes, I would cut the time in half. Everyone has 15 minutes to spare!

Get up that little bit earlier, or do it just before bed. Whatever it is, you need to do some kind of exercise every day. You will not only feel stronger in your body but you will start feeling like you have more energy. Sticking to a schedule and doing something small for yourself every day is the best way to tap into your energy reserves.

The link between the body and the mind is powerful, so one of the best ways to get more energy is simply to take some time off.

Relax, sit back, read a book, catch up on your favorite TV show… whatever you like to do as a way to unwind!

You can also try some meditation techniques, or just go for a stroll around the block every afternoon, as simple as that!

It might sound like a big deal, but if you make a special effort to look after yourself, you’ll be thankful you tried!

remedy = botemedel
harness = utnyttja
sluggish = slö
cardiovascular = hjärt- och kärl-/kardiovaskulär
anxiety = ångest
deplete = tömma
tap into = dra nytta av/använda
unwind = slappna av
stroll = strosa

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