WordDive is a Finnish-made, patented, award-winning language learning software that allows you to learn real-life language skills quickly. The exercises are based on the WordDive method, which activates multiple senses and optimises the pace of learning for each user individually.

Once you have a good command of the most common vocabulary and basic grammar, you can start expressing thoughts directly in the new language. This will quickly lead to the ability to speak and use the target language. With the help of our patented language learning method, you can learn real-life language skills in just 63 hours.

We offer a selection of 10 languages, hundreds of courses and thousands of study items. Do you want to come along and break the language barrier?

Piirroskuvassa kÀsi pitelee Suomen lippua.

Learning method developed in Finland

WordDive has been designed and created by a team of language teachers, software developers and experts in user experience. All our learning materials are produced by Finnish language teachers and proofread and recorded by native speakers.

Fast and efficient learning with WordDive is based on a combination of Finnish educational and technological know-how.

The WordDive app recognises when something has been learned permanently. After this, our learning algorithm can optimise the pace of learning and the exercises individually for each user. This individual optimisation of learning was patented in the United States in 2018 (patent number US 10,074,290).

WordDive Ltd. is owned by the Finnish companies Otavamedia Ltd. and Master English Ltd.

Our customers love WordDive

Mika, Finland

WordDive is one of the best online language courses that I have ever used. I thought I was really bad at languages, but with WordDive I have learned more than 300 study items permanently in a short time. Sometimes I study more than 2 hours per day. Even then it doesn’t feel like I’m spending a long time studying because it’s so fun and rewarding.

WordDivella opiskelet missÀ vain puhelimella tai tietokoneella.

Learning on the go with the WordDive app

Download the WordDive mobile app from App Store or Google Play. If you don’t have a course package subscription yet, you can try WordDive for free for seven days.

WordDive team

The WordDive team consists of professionals in product development, learning materials, marketing and customer service, among other areas.
Our office is located in Tampere, Finland.

We also have an extensive network of part-time native speakers who proofread and record the learning materials designed by our language teachers.

HymyilevÀ piirroshahmo, joka on tullut kielimuuria kuvaavan tiiliseinÀn lÀpi ja on nostanut kÀdet ylös hurraukseen.

Contact information

WordDive Ltd, business ID: 3299858-1
Verstaankatu 1, 2nd floor
FI-33100 Tampere, Finland

+358 10 205 4455 (weekdays 9 am – 3 pm Finnish time)
(mobile call charge/local network charge)
Contact us

Suvi Sillvan, Head of Business
suvi.sillvan@worddive.com, +358 41 430 7843