
New French courses available

November 4, 2017

The Comprehensive French course package has now been expanded with three new courses: Media, Working Life, and Pronouns.

The Media course covers the following topics: journalism, social media, and entertainment. The study items have been carefully chosen to reflect contemporary media, and the course will enable you to discuss – among other things – memes, tv-series, and the press in French.

Another new vocabulary course, Working Life, will help you to learn useful words and expressions related to job hunting, the workplace, time and money as well as communication.

Both the Media and Working Life courses are best suited for intermediate to advanced learners of French.

In the Pronouns course, you will learn how to use personal pronouns (e.g. “je”, “nous”), possessive pronouns (e.g. “ma”, “le vôtre”), and object pronouns (e.g. “leur”, “lui”, “en”). Grammar hints connected to the most difficult grammar items will help you figure out the correct answers.

All three courses have been added automatically for existing users of the Comprehensive French course package.

What’s more, all current French courses have been updated. The contents have been improved so that the vocabulary, grammar, and expressions are even better suited for each course and reflect real language use. From now on, indefinite articles (un/une) are also accepted as valid answers before countable nouns, even if the preferred answer is the definite article (le/la).

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