
How to survive any conversation in a foreign language

March 8, 2018

Do conversations in a foreign language feel intimidating because you feel like you don’t know how to say what you want?

Are you afraid of the awkward silence and the drops of sweat dripping down your forehead as you struggle in search for words and some way to express what you want to convey? We know how you feel. Actually, anyone who has ever tried talking to someone in a foreign language knows how you feel.

When this happens, the most important thing is to have mercy on yourself. Nobody’s perfect. Everyone has started from somewhere.

There are many ways to turn these situations around. When talking to someone face to face, use body language. The person you are talking to most likely will understand what you are trying to say, and will help you continue the conversation.

If you are having a conversation over the phone, check out these handy gap fillers and phrases that will give you more time to think.

The more self-confidence you have, the better the conversation will flow. So don’t think too much and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Trust in yourself, your skills and the person you are talking to. They are probably more than happy to help you!

Grow your vocabulary


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