
Happy New Year!

January 1, 2016

Would you like to do something new and different this year? We have an idea: choose a new language and culture that somehow fascinates you. Make it a hobby that you’ll enjoy and want to spend time on.

You can even overdo it a bit in the beginning: search information about the country of your choice, listen to local music and watch movies produced in the country.

As your knowledge and skills build up, you will realize how excited you actually are about your new project.

New YearWhere will you be in a year?

Decide what you want to achieve by the end of 2015. Maybe learn enough to get by on a holiday trip? With approximately 600 words you can have a basic conversation. Set a clear goal that matters to you and is realistic: not too easy, but not impossible to achieve.

It is difficult to become good at any hobby if you don’t practice regularly.

Make a note of the times you want to reserve for studying in your calendar. Consider the entries as important as other hobbies you’re paying for, so you won’t skip your planned study sessions too easily.

Sometimes it might feel like too much trouble to get up and go for a jog or some other hobby. However, usually you end up having a great time and being happy that you went. The same goes for starting a study session.

On the other hand, you should not overdo it all the time, or your enthusiasm might diminish sooner than expected. Remember to take breaks and have days off from studying.

Surround yourself with language and don’t be shy about trying your skills in practice.

It would be awesome if you could arrange a way to put your skills to practice. If a trip to the destination is not yet possible, maybe you could take part in an event or join a club where you can hear and speak your new favorite language.

Make this year different!

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