
Achieve your goals with WordDive – and go beyond!

July 6, 2018

Abi Meretta Söderlund completed the Swedish prep course with WordDive when getting ready for the matriculation exam in Swedish. Meretta’s dad has spoken Swedish to her at home, but Meretta still wasn’t satisfied with her vocabulary and felt it was too limited.

“Dad isn’t the most talkative when speaking Swedish, and even though my everyday Swedish is already very good, I wanted to strengthen my advanced vocabulary for the matriculation exam”, Meretta tells.

Meretta had already tried WordDive before, and when she heard the prep course radio commercial, she immediately went to the Internet to check if the grade guarantee was really true. After looking up information about the prep course, she decided to start the course.

“The best thing about WordDive in my opinion is permanent learning. In school you read short wordlists for vocabulary tests and then you forget them immediately after. With WordDive you actually learn the words.” 

Meretta achieved the highest grade (Laudatur) in the matriculation exam, so she decided to start the English prep course too. She’s taking the matriculation exam in English this fall. Meretta is using only the mobile version of her English prep course.

“Actually I’m a bit bummed that I didn’t try the mobile app already with the Swedish course, because it’s really handy and nicely gamelike.”

After her matriculation exams, Meretta is aiming to go to a university to study Finnish or Swedish and is dreaming of becoming a teacher. She is also interested in literature studies. In Meretta’s opinion, studying languages is important because it helps people understand each other and other cultures better.

“Interest in language studies is a sign of wanting to understand others and their culture and getting closer to people”, Meretta sums up.  

WordDive prep courses


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